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Current job opportunities

As part of its development, LAFI regularly recruits for many positions.

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Human Resources Management

Because our employees are our company's most important resources, we have developed a professional Human Resources Management policy which aims to inform employees about their working environment, their working conditions, their rights and obligations, with a view to guaranteeing their fulfillment within the company.

Evaluation interviews

Each staff member is evaluated annually by his or her supervisor.
The purpose of this evaluation is to measure performance, set goals for the next season and identify training needs to improve performance.

Freedom to choose one's professional future

La loi "Liberté de choisir son avenir professionnel" du 5 septembre 2018 et son décret du 8 janvier 2019 créent une obligation pour les entreprises de mesurer 5 indicateurs en matière d'égalité hommes-femmes et d'en publier la note globale.
LAFI has achieved a score of 88/100 for the year 2024 based on data from the year 2023 :

  1. On the m/f pay gap by socio-professional category, we obtained 33/40
  2. On the difference in individual increase rates, excluding promotions, we obtained 20/20
  3. On the promotion rate differential, we obtained 15/15
  4. In terms of the percentage of employees who received a raise in the year following their return from maternity leave, we obtained 15/15
  5. In terms of the number of employees of the gender under-represented by the 10 highest earners, we scored 5/10
For a total score of 88/100

LAFI France has implemented corrective actions for 2022 to improve its score on pay and promotion gaps, with an annual review process.
Equal opportunities in the career development of each employee, fair pay and access for women to management positions are among the strong commitments of our Human Resources policy.